One of the crucial aspects when creating your money making blog is to plan before you blog. Researching the many different strategy's in creating a blog is vital in determining which method is giong to work for you.
Making your living as a "Blogger" is a new-age concept, the general view of this type of career is obviously very appearling. Write about what you love and earn a living, how does tha tnot sound great. What many people dont realize is that it takes SO much more then that. The technology available. Many people may have heard about
Ask yourself the following questions:
1) How much time and effort am I willing to spend creating this blog?
- If you have a full time job and you are unable to put your 100% effort into improving your blog, then making money shouldn't even be on your mind. If you blog about your passion and the money’s a secondary issue, you’ll be happy with even the smallest of earnings and that’s a damn good way to make money.
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